If you're searching for a Raleigh N.C. landscaping business, hunt no further. With several years of area experience in Raleigh N.C., Leisure Landscapes serves full landscaping services that are unparalleled in the Raleigh area. From incredible decks to lovely waterscapes , from private fencing to brilliant lights, Leisure-Landscapes supplies the best landscape services in Raleigh NC . Let Leisure Landscapes put together a stunning lawn composition for Raleigh NC home!


Raleigh NC Landscaping Services

Your First Name: Last:
Spouse First Name: Last:
Subdivision (or Company Name if a business):
Address 1:
Address 2:
City: State: Zip:
Your Contacts Work #: Work Fax:
  Cell #: Email:
Spouse Contacts Work #: Work Fax:
  Cell #: Email:
Home Contacts Home #: Home Fax:
  Home Email:   
Indicate type of work/service desired (please check all that apply):
Design Landscaping Irrigation Maintenance Lighting
Deck Fence Patio or Walks Retaining Wall Other
If other, please define here:
Please provide directions to your home starting at a major highway:

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