It is an unfortunate truth that many of the most common, beautiful plants used in households, gardens, and landscapes are incredibly poisonous or toxic to cats and dogs. Your landscaper should take this into account if you have animals, but it is always best to check yourself. Search through the list below to determine if you have any of these plants at your home.
While this is not a comprehensive list, it contains many of the most commonly used plants that are dangerous for your pets.
Toxic to Dogs
1. amaryllis
2. autumn crocus
3. daffodil
4. day lily (questionable)
5. elephant ears
6. gladiolas
7. hyacinth
8. iris
9. lily of the valley
10. narcissus
11. orange day lily
12. tulip
13. aparagus fern
14. australian nut
15. emerald feather (aka emerald fern)
16. emerald fern (aka emerald feather)
17. lace fern
18. plumosa fern
19. cyclamen
20. hydrangea
21. kalanchoe
22. poinsettia
23. charming diffenbachia
24. christmas rose
25. flamingo plant
26. foxglove
27. marijuana
28. morning glory
29. nightshade
30. onion
31. tomato plant
32. tropic snow dumbcane
33. ceriman (aka cutleaf philodendron)
34. chinese evergreen
35. cordatum
36. corn plant (aka cornstalk plant)
37. cutleaf philodendron (aka ceriman)
38. devil’s ivy
39. dumb cane,golden pothos
40. green gold nephthysis
41. marble queen
42. mauna loa peace lily
43. nephthytis
44. peace lily
45. red-margined dracaena
46. striped dracaena
47. taro vine
48. warneckei dracaena
49. asian lily (liliaceae)
50. easter lily
51. glory lily
52. japanese show lily
53. red lily
54. rubrum lily
55. stargazer lily
56. tiger lily
57. wood lily
58. cycads
59. heavenly bamboo
60. holly
61. jerusalem cherry
62. mistletoe (american)
63. oleander
64. precatory bean
65. rhododendron
66. saddle leaf philodendron
67. sago palm
68. tree philodendron
69. yucca
70. aloe (aloe vera)
71. avocado
72. buddist pine
73. chinaberry tree
74. japanese yew (aka yew)
75. lacy tree
76. macadamia nut
77. madagascar dragon tree
78. queensland nut
79. schefflera
80. yew (aka japanese yew)
81. branching ivy
82. english ivy
83. european bittersweet
84. glacier ivy
85. hahn’s self branching english ivy
86. needlepoint ivy
87. american bittersweet
88. andromeda japonica
89. azalea
90. bird of paradise
91. buckeye
92. caladium hortulanum
93. calla lily
94. castor bean
95. clematis
96. fiddle-leaf philodendron
97. florida beauty
98. fruit salad plant
99. golden dieffenbachia
100. gold dust dracaena
101. heartleaf philodendron
102. horsehead philodendron
103. hurricane plant
104. mexican breadfruit
105. mother-in-law
106. panda
107. philodendron pertusum
108. red emerald
109. red princess
110. ribbon plant
111. satin pothos
112. spotted dumb cane
113. sweetheart ivy
114. swiss cheese plant
115. variable dieffenbachia
116. variegated philodendron
117. yesterday/today/tomorrow
Toxic to Cats
1. almond (pits of)
2. aloe vera
3. alocasia
4. amaryllis
5. apple (seeds)
6. apple leaf croton
7. apricot (pits of)
8. arrowgrass
9. asparagus fern
10. autumn crocus
11. avacado (fuit and pit)
12. azalea
13. baby’s breath
14. baneberry
15. bayonet
16. beargrass
17. beech
18. belladonna
19. bird of paradise
20. bittersweet
21. black-eyed susan
22. black locust
23. bleeding heart
24. bloodroot
25. bluebonnet
26. box
27. boxwood
28. branching ivy
29. buckeyes
30. buddist pine
31. burning bush
32. buttercup
33. cactus, candelabra
34. caladium
35. calla lily
36. castor bean
37. ceriman
38. charming dieffenbachia
39. cherry (pits, seeds & wilting leaves)
40. cherry, most wild varieties
41. cherry, ground
42. cherry, laurel
43. chinaberry
44. chinese evergreen
45. christmas rose
46. chrysanthemum
47. cineria
48. clematis
49. cordatum
50. coriaria
51. cornflower
52. corn plant
53. cornstalk plant
54. croton
55. corydalis
56. crocus, autumn
57. crown of thorns
58. cuban laurel
59. cutleaf philodendron
60. cycads
61. cyclamen
62. daffodil
63. daphne
64. datura
65. deadly nightshade
66. death camas
67. devil’s ivy
68. delphinium
69. decentrea
70. dieffenbachia
71. dracaena palm
72. dragon tree
73. dumb cane
74. easter lily
75. eggplant
76. elaine
77. elderberry
78. elephant ear
79. emerald feather
80. english ivy
81. eucalyptus
82. euonymus
83. evergreen
84. ferns
85. fiddle-leaf fig
86. florida beauty
87. flax
88. four o’clock
89. foxglove
90. fruit salad plant
91. geranium
92. german ivy
93. giant dumb cane
94. glacier ivygolden chain
95. gold dieffenbachia
96. gold dust dracaena
97. golden glow
98. golden pothos
99. gopher purge
100. hahn’s self-branching ivy
101. heartland philodendron
102. hellebore
103. hemlock, poison
104. hemlock, water
105. henbane
106. holly
107. honeysuckle
108. horsebeans
109. horsebrush
110. horse chestnuts
111. hurricane plant
112. hyacinth
113. hydrangea
114. indian rubber plant
115. indian tobacco
116. iris
117. iris ivy
118. jack in the pulpit
119. janet craig dracaena
120. japanese show lily
121. java beans
122. jessamine
123. jerusalem cherry
124. jimson weed
125. jonquil
126. jungle trumpets
127. kalanchoe
128. lacy tree philodendron
129. lantana
130. larkspur
131. laurel
132. lily
133. lily spider
134. lily of the valley
135. locoweed
136. lupine
137. madagascar dragon tree
138. marble queen
139. marigold
140. marijuana
141. mescal bean
142. mexican breadfruit
143. miniature croton
144. mistletoe
145. mock orange
146. monkshood
147. moonseed
148. morning glory
149. mother-in law’s tongue
150. morning glory
151. mountain laurel
152. mushrooms
153. narcissus
154. needlepoint ivy
155. nephytis
156. nightshade
157. oleander
158. onion
159. oriental lily
160. peace lily
161. peach (pits and wilting leaves)
162. pencil cactus
163. peony
164. periwinkle
165. philodendron
166. pimpernel
167. plumosa fern
168. poinciana
169. poinsettia (low toxicity)
170. poison hemlock
171. poison ivy
172. poison oak
173. pokeweed
174. poppy
175. potato
176. pothos
177. precatory bean
178. primrose
179. privet, common
180. red emerald
181. red princess
182. red-margined dracaena
183. rhododendron
184. rhubarb
185. ribbon plant
186. rosemary pea
187. rubber plant
188. saddle leaf philodendron
189. sago palm
190. satin pothos
191. schefflera
192. scotch broom
193. silver pothos
194. skunk cabbage
195. snowdrops
196. snow on the mountain
197. spotted dumb cane
198. staggerweed
199. star of bethlehem
200. string of pearls
201. striped dracaena
202. sweetheart ivy
203. sweetpea
204. swiss cheese plant
205. tansy mustard
206. taro vine
207. tiger lily
208. tobacco
209. tomato plant (green fruit, stem and leaves)
210. tree philodendron
211. tropic snow dieffenbachia
212. tulip
213. tung tree
214. virginia creeper
215. water hemlock
216. weeping fig
217. wild call
218. wisteria
219. japanese yew
220. english yew
221. western yew
222. american yew